
Neomi Dyal

In July 1975, at 26 years old, Neomi Dyal enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. She completed Basic Training at Lackland AFB in September 1975 and was selected to attend Operating Room Specialist Technical Training at Sheppard AFB. After completion in December of 1975,...

Maureen Umbriaco

At eighteen and half years old, Maureen Hughes left her home in Orange, California to begin boot camp for the U.S Navy. After graduation for boot camp she was selected to attend an “A” school in Disbursing. In January of 1974, Maureen was assigned with the...

COL Michele Scheeweis

Michele graduated from St Luke’s School of Nursing in MA in 1969, received her RN license and went to TX for basic training. Ft. Polk, LA was her first assignment. After 3 months she volunteered to go to Vietnam and was there from 1970 – 1971. She was assigned to the...

Marilyn White

I spent my early days on a cotton farm in West Texas and my teen years in El Paso. After graduating from college and being miserable as a teacher, I applied for and received a direct commission in 1973 into the Women’s Army Corps.  After basic training, I was assigned...

Mary Caruthers

In October 1969, Mary enlisted in the Army as a WAC (Women’s Army Corps). At enlistment, Mary was already a mother of two children, but ready to serve her country. She promptly was deployed to Fort McClellan, Alabama where she completed her basic training and remained...