
In July 1975, at 26 years old, Neomi Dyal enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. She completed Basic Training at Lackland AFB in September 1975 and was selected to attend Operating Room Specialist Technical Training at Sheppard AFB. After completion in December of 1975, Neomi served at Norton AFB as a Scrub Nurse for surgeries, assisting physicians and medical personnel in vital care of active duty Airmen. 

Neomi then transitioned into the Air Force Reserves and relocated to Whiteman AFB. She then was assigned to Richards Gebaur AFB, and cross-trained to be an Apprentice Loadmaster with the 442 Tactical Airlift Wing. This assignment was a challenging change, no longer managing small operating room instruments but instead loading trucks, tanks and supplies in C-130 cargo planes for transportation around the globe. One night in 1977, while serving aboard the C-130, a helicopter crashed nearby requiring her crew to join in the search and rescue operation. 

She continues to serve her country as a member of the Patriot Guard Riders and proudly honors Veterans, attending their funerals, and those of first responders. She stands in flag lines to protect the sanctity of the service against antagonists of American values and ideals. 

We honor you, Neomi Dyal.

(Submission by: Ninzel Rasmuson via Utah Honor Flight, Mission 33)