
Elizabeth Leonard has become the first female captain with the Springfield Police Department, according to Police Chief Jason Head. The position was vacated by Head last month [March 2018] when he became the Chief of Police. “Not only is she the first captain,” Head said. “She’s become the highest-ranking female. She’s the only woman ranked above corporal.”

Capt. Leonard was promoted from detective to administrative captain on April 14, according to Head, who said he felt Leonard was very qualified for the position. “She has been involved in training and has an extensive background in detailed complex investigations, both of which are essential qualities for the captain’s position,” Head said. “Her duties now will include training, purchasing, budgeting and grant management. I look forward to working closely with Capt. Leonard as our staff prepares the department for the future.” Leonard said she is enjoying the adjustment of being named captain. “I’m learning a new aspect of police work in this new position,” Leonard said. “It’s completely different than what I have done previously.” Leonard has been in law enforcement and with the Springfield Police Department for 20 years.

“I was first hired to be on bike patrol,” Leonard said. “In 2010, I became the accreditation manager and then was promoted to detective.” As a detective, Leonard primarily worked with child abuse and the sex abuse cases in Springfield. “That was very rewarding, even though it was abuse cases,” Leonard said. “The reward came with knowing I was able to make a positive impact in a child’s life.”

Capt. Leonard is married to Chad Leonard. They have one child.

We honor you, Elizabeth Leanard.

(#Repost @Robertson County Connection)