
I was born in July. One month later my BIG brother was inducted into the Navy. Shortly thereafter the Japanese paid an unfriendly visit to Pearl Harbor. My childhood was spent following my brothers’ service through the Atlantic Theaters. I wanted to grow up to be a Sailor just like my Hero Brother. 

At that time ladies were WAVES. So, at 18 I joined the WAVES. I was inducted on Sept 8, 1958 at The Jacksonville Florida Courthouse with a group of girls from all over that state. We shipped out 2 weeks later to Bainbridge Md. for Boot Camp. 

I served as an Aerographer’s Mate in Pensacola FL and Barber’s Point HI. Base pay was an overseas assignment and we drew overseas pay ($6.00 a month). Both duty stations were prime duty. I married a sailor in Hawaii, and was released from service on April 1, 1964. I loved the Navy and was sorry to leave.. 

Motherhood intervened and a new career began. I’m now enjoying grandchildren and great grandchildren my live is full and blessed.

We honor you, Phoebe Love.

(Submission by:  Ninzel Rasmuson for Utah Honor Flight, Mission 33)