
“We were fortunate to record Keith Davis’s Oral History before he passed away, for the Library of Congress. This short Bio reflects on who this brave patriot was.”  Steven Henline, FB Post (4/19/19)

Corporal Keith Davis
Springville, Utah
US Army 1943 to 1945

Corporal Davis was drafted in 1943 shortly after high school graduation. Basic training was at Camp Robert, CA. Assigned to the 16th Field Artillery Battery, he was immediately shipped to England in advance of the invasion of Normandy. Arriving on Utah Beach, he soon witnessed the carnage of the initial invasion where 1000’s of allied soldiers were killed.

Fighting his way across France and Belgium during the bloody Battle of the Bulge, Corporal Davis witnessed the liberation of Paris, then fought on across Belgium Arriving at the German Border on the Rhine River on Jan 3, 1945. The battle ensued across Germany until his unit arrived at the Ordif death camp near Buchenwald Death Camp. After the liberation of the camps he continuing the battle across Germany until his unit arrived at Nuremberg, Germany and ultimately advanced and engaged the enemy to Pilsner, Czechoslovakia where they met up with the advancing Russian Forces. He was there until the end of the war in Europe on VE day.

Corporal Davis bravery cannot be overemphasized. Few men have witnessed the horrors he was subjected to, both on the battlefield and at the Nazi death Camps. His courage and heroism exemplifies the valor of the men and women who have worn our nations uniforms on the battlefields.

Corporal Davis returned to Utah and married, raising a family and building a successful business. His life was spent in service of his community and nations serving in several veterans organization and speaking about the events he witness so that no one will ever forget that “Freedom isn’t Free” . May God grant him peace. He is survived by his lovely wife Marva.

We honor you, Keith Davis.

(Submission by:  Robert Pagnani)